Wednesday, 21 November 2007

playing with them...

Do rabbits like to play? Of course they do! Do rabbits need mental stimulation and exercise? Absolutely! A bored, unstimulated rabbit can become destructive, aggressive, overweight or depressed.
Rabbits can be playful and energetic and can be quite goofy to watch at play. Haven't you seen your rabbit get a sudden burst of energy and go flying through the house, twisting and turning all the while? This dance is one of the many ways rabbits play.

Observe what your rabbit likes to doAllow your rabbit a lot of playtime and let him to do what comes naturally: chew, dig, toss, shred, bunch or burrow. Some rabbits will never chew, but they love to toss things around; others are dedicated diggers. By observing and interacting with your rabbit, you can capitalize on his entertainment preferences.
Experiment with different toys. If at first Bun isn't sure why you have given him these new, odd-looking objects, gently toss the new toy toward him or actually put him in the play box. With appropriate toys, Bun can fulfill his needs without getting himself into trouble. Besides, bunnies are so cute when they are intent upon something.

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